​​​​Register for the below Virtual Yoga, please go to HolyCrossHealth.org or call (301) 754-8800.

Yoga helps to reset the nervous system, and restores a sense of well being.  Join our virtual yoga community and practice yoga with us from your own home. We look forward to seeing you in class!

To Register for the below Virtual Yoga Classes for 2024:

Yoga for Women

A yoga class designed for women 30 and older which includes postures for hormone balance, stability, strength, pelvic floor health, resilience, stress relief and more.​
Sundays 4:30 - 5:45pm

 September 8th - October 27th (8 weeks)

November 3rd -  December 22nd (8 weeks)

Register for Virtual classes through HolyCrossHealth.org or call (301) 754 - 8800

Yoga Nidra    

Reset your nervous system and heal from the effects of deeply held stress.  Evidence-based research demonstrates the power of this ancient practice, successfully used to help heal anxiety, PTSD (post traumatic stress dis-ease), high BP, chronic pain, insomnia, and so much more.  Try a Sunday evening class at home in your jammies (no camera) -  Join us and reconnect with a deeply held sense of ease to start off your week!  Check out a sample session (7 minutes):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHOy8amscGw&t=2s


Sundays, 6:00 - 7:00pm

 September 8th - October 27th (8 weeks)
November 3rd -  December 22nd (8 weeks)

Register for Virtual classes through HolyCrossHealth.org or call (301) 754 - 8800

Yoga for Osteoporosis    

Loren Fishman, MD conducted a study with 12 yoga postures proven to increase bone density over a 2 year period.  Come and learn these postures and more to increase your bone strength, balance and overall longevity.  Jordana is certified by Dr. Fishman and looks forward to sharing the latest research with you!  In the meantime, view some of the poses here:  


Mondays, 7:30 – 8:30pm  

September 9th - October 28th (8 weeks)

November 4th - December 23rd (8 weeks)

Register for Virtual classes through HolyCrossHealth.org or call (301) 754 - 8800

Yoga I  (2 classes available)

This physically active, meditative experience develops flexibility, balance and strength.

Mondays 6:00 - 7:15pm  

 September 9th - October 28th (8 weeks)
November 4th - December 23rd (8 weeks)


Thursdays 9:00 - 10:15am 

 September 12th - October 31st

November 7th - December 19th (No classes Thanksgiving Day)

Register for Virtual classes through HolyCrossHealth.org or call (301) 754 - 8800

Yoga For Pelvic Floor Health  *** NEW CLASS
Your Pelvic Floor is an integral part of your core!  Learn structure, function, and practice postures to address and prevent back pain, & pelvic floor issues.  We will build muscle tone and strength to help increase pleasure, minimize physical discomfort, stress leaks, prolapse and more.  For those with an anatomical woman's pelvic floor.
Thursdays 6:00 - 7:00pm  

September 12th - October 31st
November 7th - December 19th (No classes Thanksgiving Day)

Register for Virtual classes through HolyCrossHealth.org or call (301) 754 - 8800

Yoga II

For experienced yoga students or those with a minimum of 6 months of  “Yoga I”.

Thursdays 7:15 - 8:30pm   

September 12th - October 31st
November 7th - December 19th (No classes Thanksgiving Day)

Register for Virtual classes through HolyCrossHealth.org or call (301) 754 - 8800


55+ Classes https://www.holycrosshealth.org go to Health and Fitness classes 55+

Virtual Classes, Below (taught by Jordana):

Gentle Yoga for Seniors (2 classes available)
Mondays 10:30am - 11:30am,  

 September 9th - October 28th (8 weeks)
November 4th - December 23rd (8 weeks)


Thursday 10:30am - 11:30am,

September 12th - October 31st
November 7th - December 19th (No classes Thanksgiving Day)

Reduce Stress, improve balance, and build strength and movement.  Ideal for people with chronic conditions or pain.

Register for Virtual classes through HolyCrossHealth.org or call (301) 754 - 8800​

Yoga For Bone Health for Seniors 

Thursdays 3:30pm - 4:30pm   

September 12th - October 31st
November 7th - December 19th (No classes Thanksgiving Day)

Loren Fishman, MD conducted a study with 12 yoga postures proven to increase bone density over a 2 year period.  Come and learn these postures and more to increase your bone strength, balance and overall longevity.  Jordana is certified by Dr. Fishman and looks forward to sharing the latest research with you!  Link to Dr. Fishman's video, above for more detailed information.

Register for Virtual classes through HolyCrossHealth.org or call (301) 754 - 8800​


Study Proves Benefits of Yoga for Bone Density

Tips For Virtual Yoga Newbies:

1) Virtual Class Etiquette:  
a) Log in a little early to give yourself time to make any camera or sound adjustments needed.  It's also nice to have a little time to check in with everyone.

b) Please only have 1 microphone on if you are using more that one device, otherwise it creates feedback for the whole class, and makes it hard to hear each other - also, please be aware of whatever sounds are happening in the room with you, they will also be picked up by the microphone and shared with the group.  
c) Camera (Laptop/Tablet/Phone) placement - ideally is about 6-8 feet away from the camera and with your mat perpendicular to the camera (side view), if possible.  That said, I recognize that many of us have limited space available in our homes (like mine), and life is sometimes far from ideal.  Work with what you have, the important part is that you show up!!

d) Please mute your device while you are moving it around, your microphone picks up those sounds, too.
e) Yoga Props - You will something you can use for a yoga mat (non-slip surface is preferable.  You will also want a belt (bathrobe belt works fine), blocks or a rolled up towel or 2… you can rubber band them to keep them from unrolling, a pillow of some sort for under your knees during Savasana (relaxation), and a blanket or beach towel to either sit higher or cover up during relaxation if you get cold.  You may also wish to have a chair (no wheels, please!) and or wall nearby for any modified poses.

2) I’m here for you!  Email me if you have any questions about anything yoga related, or just to say “Hello”. 
Take good care.  Be Gentle with yourself and look at this time as an opportunity to slow down and nurture yourself.  What are you grateful for at this time?  There is ample research-based data that shows how beneficial making the time to focus on gratitude is to help unwind that limbic system, primal response of fight or flight, or freeze.

On that note, I will pause to tell you all that I am profoundly grateful for the support of you all, my yoga community!  Thank you so much for showing up for yourself, and for each other, especially during this crazy time of crisis!